🚄 Bullet Train
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Last night with some great sushi and our newborn 👶, we got a chance to watch Bullet Train! Here’s what we thought…
Rating: 8.5/10
Ajay: We were surprised to see such a low Rotten Tomatoes score for this movie from critics. The trailer looked so fun, and the RT audience score was good so we decided to give it a go.
This was a fun, fast-paced action movie from start to finish. Brad Pitt plays a different kind of lead. Quirky, fun and working on himself as a contract-to-hire criminal, he pops on screen. The plot is engaging, lots of fun and action. It can feel totally random at times, characters come from out of nowhere with short arcs. But still great fun!
Mona: Clever! 🐍 🚅 🍊